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Business Information

Business Websites


  • CANSIM - Statistics Canada's main socioeconomic database is updated daily and provides access to a public collection of statistical tables covering a large number of topics such as agriculture, construction and housing, demography, education, health, household expenditures, labour, transportation and more.
  • Manitoba Vital Statistics
  • Statistics Canada - The official source for Canadian social and economic statistics and products.

Stock Quotes

Career and Job Websites

Job Postings
Civic Jobs Canadian municipal job postings. Canadian job search engine
Job Bank Listing of jobs, work or business opportunities in Human Resource Centres of Canada by employers around the country. Job search for Canada
Neuvoo Job search engine, listing almost 300,000 jobs in Canada.
Workopolis "Canada's largest and most popular online job site". Tips on resumes and more included.
    Career Advice Links and information on job search, career information, resume writing, student resources.
Glassdoor Company reviews, salary reports, interview reviews and questions and more.
Canva Resume Builder A free online resume builder from Canva.  Plenty of modern, eye-catching templates to choose from. Resume writing tips and samples.
Resume on Monster Resume writing tips and samples. Post your resume here for employers to find and read.

Health Sites

  • Behaviours in Dementia - The Behaviours in Dementia Toolkit is an online library of over 200 free resources. The goal of the Toolkit is to help you better understand and compassionately respond to dementia-related changes in mood and behaviour.
  • Canadian Mental Health Association - CMHA promotes the mental health of all and supports the resilience and recovery of people experiencing mental illness. Each year, CMHA provides direct service to more than 100,000 Canadians through the combined efforts of more than 10,000 volunteers and staff across Canada in over 120 communities.
  • CancerCare Manitoba - CancerCare Manitoba is the provincially mandated cancer agency tasked with providing cancer services to the people of Manitoba. CCMB is responsible for providing care, treatment and support across the entire cancer service spectrum – from prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment and care, and palliation or end of life care.
  • Communicable Disease Control - Government of Manitoba - To promote and support the prevention and control of communicable diseases in Manitoba
  • Health Canada - Federal department responsible for helping Canadians maintain and improve their health.
  • Healthy Canadians - A Government of Canada website that gives you access to reliable, easy-to-understand information about health and safety relating to many aspects of our lives.
  • Internet Public Library (IPL) Health Pag - Links to professional as well as layperson information.
  • Kids Help Phone - Canada’s only 24/7 counselling and information service for young people.
  • Mayo Clinic - Tools for healthier lives.
  • MedlinePlus - Produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, MedlinePlus brings you information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in language you can understand.
  • PLOS Medicine - Public Library of Science: Independent medical journal.
  • Public Health Agency of Canada - The Public Health Agency of Canada aims to promote health, prevent and control chronic diseases and injuries & infectious diseases. They also prepare for and respond to public health emergencies.
  • WebMD - Excellent information on any health topic in an easy to understand format.
  • World Health Organization (WHO) - WHO provides information, reports, and data pertaining to a variety of health topics.

Legal Sites

Government & Law


Legal Aid


St.Malo Chamber of Commerce

Rat River Recreation

École communautaire Réal-Bérard

Heritage Immersion School

Ecole St. Malo School

Rat River Recreation Commission

St-Pierre en Boom

St-Pierre-Jolys Museum


Village of St-Pierre-Jolys

Rural Municipality of De Salaberry

Association of Manitoba Municipalities

Association of Manitoba Bilingual Municipalities

Economic Development Council for Bilingual Municipalities


Province of Manitoba


Government of Canada